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  • Hemorrhoidal Pads with Witch Hazel
  • Witch Hazel Soothes and Protects Irritated Areas
  • Brand Used by Hospitals
  • Immediate Relief from Burning and Itching Caused by Hemorrhoids
  • pH Balanced
  • Hypo-Allergenic
  • Dye Free
  • 床的世界

You are not alone. Over twenty percent of the adult population will get hemorrhoid維霖診所曹院長s. That means one out of five adults you know could have them. Now you have help. You have Tucks.

Cleanse and relieve discomfort with Tucks Medicated Cooling Pads.


  • Temporarily relieves the local itching and discomfort associated with hemorrhoids
  • Aids in protecting irritated anorecal areas
  • Temporarily relieves irritation and burning
Also Suitable For Hygienic Care

Use Tucks Medicated Cooling Pads daily to cleanse outer rectal and/or vaginal areas.

As A 髮旺旺髮旺旺Moist Compress

Fold and use as a moist compress on inflamed tissue. Tucks Medicated Cooling Pads are particularly helpful in relieving discomfort following childbirth, rectal or vaginal surgery.

Tucks, 藥物退燒貼100 貼


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